Stray cats control

We have 6 cats here at Bahia Rica now. They are all rescues. Lately we have noticed many more stray cats here – and they reproduce very fast.
We constantly find new kittens which we try to find good homes for.

However lately the stray cats are so many and reproducing faster than we can find new homes.

Luckily we found an organization that work with trapping, spaying/neutering and releasing stray cats:
We teamed up with the Chamber of Tourism (Cámara Paquereña de Turismo, Capatur) and invited the Catrix team to Paquera to help us catch the stray cats and castrate them.

It was a great success as we castrated 23 cats in just one day. A big thank you to everyone that donated money or bought lottery tickets to raise the funds to make it possible.

The big surprise for us and the Catrix team was the amount of stray cats In some of the neighborhoods here.
20 of the cats we caught were all from just one street. And we saw at least 30 more cats in just that street.
The over population of cats is out of control.
Catrix immediately scheduled a new castration event in January.