Ferry schedule Paquera – Puntarenas

Are you planning a trip between Paquera and Puntarenas? Stay informed with the current ferry schedule to make to most of your journey. The ferry service between Paquera and Puntarens offers a convenient and scenic way to travel between the Nicoya Peninsula and the mainland.

As of now this is the ferry schedule. Please note that schedules are subject to change so it is always a good idea to check for updates before your journey

ferry schedule
This also affects the bus schedule here on the peninsula as the bus is coordinated with the ferry.

You can buy the ferry tickets online: www.quickpaycr.com

They only sell about one third of the tickets online, so if you cannot buy online you can just go to the ferry port and pay in the ticket office. In this case it is good to be there an hour before on regular day. I peak season or weekend days, you might want to be there earlier still.